Pai's Perspectives
Thoughtful Perspectives on Politics and Social Impact

Political Entrepreneurship
Pai champions entrepreneurial politics for better governance, emphasizing service over politics and a commitment to change with a dynamic team.

Pai - Voters First
I share my 'Voters First' pledge, a personal commitment to bring your voice to the forefront in Congress. Discover my vision for CA-45.

Pai - Familia
Mi viaje es el testimonio vivo del sueño americano: de llegar joven a Orange County desde la India, a postularme para el Congreso. Lucharé para que cada niño aquí tenga las mismas oportunidades que me dieron a mí.

Pai - The American Dream
From immigrant to Harvard grad, I'm now striving to ensure the American Dream is within reach for all in Orange County.

Pai - I Believe I Can Make a Difference
I'm often asked why I choose to run for Congress despite its flaws. My answer? I believe in service, in change, and in our potential to make Washington work for us in Orange County.

Service Over Politics: My Commitment to CA-45
Aditya Pai shares his journey from immigrant roots to running for Congress in CA-45, emphasizing true public service over politics.