Political Entrepreneurship
Hope you had a great weekend.
Recently, I had the opportunity to go on The Industry Show to discuss why the principles of entrepreneurship in business -- disrupting incumbents, building reflectively, and constant iteration -- must be applied to the public sector.
Good governance is more important to me than partisanship. I will always put Service Over Politics. And when political machines stand in the way of progress, I will innovate around them.
Our message must have resonated because the video got 21,000 unique views. Here's the full chat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi_QjtNFS0Q&t=28s
Over the past two months, I've worked hard with voters to craft an authentic, winning platform and recruit an extraordinary team of media professionals, videographers, political strategists, retired politicians, and apolitical creatives who will help me change politics.
We have a dual mandate: 1. victory 2. integrity. This can only be if we practice political entrepreneurship - not corporate politics.
Because if you're seeing, as I'm seeing:
-Supreme Court Justices take bribes.
-a United States Senator get indicted for treason.
-a House of Representatives proven entirely useless during two foreign wars.
Then you know: the insane do the same thing over and over and expect different results.
How you run determines how you govern.
So to get better service from DC, we need better campaigns here in America.
Less corporate, more entrepreneurial. David, not Goliath.
Congressional candidates must do better than what has been done before, now more than ever. Over the next 5 months, I intend to do just that.
Talk soon,
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