Perspective Entry

Pai - A New Generation of Leadership

November 1, 2023

At 32, I've spent the last five years deeply immersed in serving our community, and I've heard the skepticism: am I too young for Congress? My response is unwavering—no age is too young to lead, especially when the stakes are as high as they are for our generation.

We grew up in classrooms where the threat of a school shooter was a harrowing reality. We face the uncertainty of whether social safety nets like Social Security and Medicare will sustain us into old age. Many of us still live at home, burdened by an economy that seems stacked against us, wondering if we'll ever afford a home in Orange County. And looming above all is the specter of climate change—a crisis that will bear down on my generation and those to follow.

The current Congress may not be listening, but I am. And I know the only way they'll hear us is by sending someone from our ranks to those hallowed halls. I am stepping up to be that leader, to carry our collective hopes, frustrations, and aspirations to Washington.

I am running to be your Representative because I know what's at risk. I'm ready to fight for our future, and I'm asking for your vote. Together, we will forge a new path for our country, for our generation, and for every generation that comes after us.

- Pai